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Graphis persoonii


Genus Graphis, meaning 'writing' from the appearance of the apothecia


Common name:            Common Script Lichen

Synonyms:                    Graphis scripta, Graphis macrocarpa

Habitat:                         Woodland, wayside trees

Substrata:                     Smooth bark

Growth form:                Corticolous

Thallus:                  Crustose

Apothecia:                    Lirellate

BLS identity rating:        Not listed


In the broad sense as Graphis scripta, but with the following distinguishing features:

Thallus grey to brown; typically, cracked and uneven.

Lirellae straight, curved or branched, up to 6mm long, usually with rounded rather than acute ends; discs exposed, dark brown, non-pruinose, thalline margin absent.

Graphis persoonii is one of the two less common species of the Graphis scripta group, characterised in particular by the conspicuously open, dark brown, non-pruinose discs with a greatly reduced (effectively absent) thalline margin.

The preferred habitat of this species is, as yet, undetermined.

The examples featured below are not certain, but look quite likely, hence separated here from Graphis scripta for personal reference purposes - the first specimen growing with Pertusaria hymenea.

Graphis persoonii

Barrow Moor, Bolderwood, New Forest

(photographed on the trunk of a moss and liverwort covered Beech tree in open woodland)

Graphis persoonii

Gartston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset

(a small patch found on a Hazel tree alongside a footpath)

Graphis persoonii

Gartston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset

(close-up shot of the previous example to provide an indication of the size)

Graphis persoonii
Graphis persoonii
Graphis persoonii
Graphis persoonii
Graphis persoonii
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