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Graphis betulina


Genus Graphis, meaning 'writing' from the appearance of the apothecia


Common name:            Common Script Lichen

Synonym:                    Graphis scripta

Habitat:                         Woodland, wayside trees

Substrata:                     Smooth bark

Growth form:                Corticolous

Thallus:                  Crustose

Apothecia:                    Lirellate

BLS identity rating: Not listed


In the broad sense as Graphis scripta, but with the following distinguishing features:

Thallus white, grey to pale brown; mostly uneven, rarely smooth, can be deeply cracked.

Lirellae elongate, curved, wavy or branched, rarely stellate, to around 8mm long, terminating in pointed rather than rounded ends; discs can be concealed or visible, pruinose to non-pruinose, but always surrounded by a conspicuous thick white thalline margin.

Graphis betulina is one of the two less common species of the Graphis scripta group, characterised in particular by the broad white surround to the lirellae and normally partially open discs.

The preferred habitat for this species is not yet clear but, from the records that have been confirmed, it is thought to be more frequent in older, long-established woodland.

The example featured below is far from certain, but does look rather similar to the description and confirmed photos of the species, so has been separated here from Graphis scripta for personal reference purposes.

Graphis betulina

Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset

(photographed in semi-open woodland alongside a footpath)

Graphis betulina

Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset

(close-up shot of the above specimen showing the lirellae with broad white surround)

Graphis betulina
Graphis betulina
Graphis betulina
Graphis betulina
Graphis betulina
Graphis betulina
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