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Candelariella vitellina


Genus Candelariella, meaning 'little candle'


Common name:            Common Goldenspeck Lichen

Synonym:                    Candelariella vitellina, forma flavovirella

Habitat:                         Various, but woodland for this entry

Substrata:                     Wood, bark (more commonly on rock)

Growth form:                Lignicolous, corticolous (saxicolous)

Thallus:                  Crustose

Apothecia:                    Lecanorine,

BLS identity rating:        Graded 1/5 (identification should be straightforward)


Thallus very variable, but typically coarsely cracked or broken into scattered patches, composed of small, somewhat flattened, irregular shaped granules that are more often than not clumped together to form a rather thick, areolate crust that may spread to several centimetres across; the surface distinctive, looking a bit like the top of a cauliflower; colour varies from mustard-yellow to brownish-orange or, in respect of morph flavovirellawhich may or may not be the form represented here, bright green-yellow.   

Apothecia common, up to 1.5mm dia., with a prominent, persistent, smooth to crenulate thalline margin; disc flat, dirty yellow, sometimes bright probably dependent on the light, typically darkening with age.

Candelariella vitellina is a common and widespread species occurring in a wide range of habitats in both rural and suburban areas on both siliceous and calcareous rocks, as well as wood and bark, and other surfaces including walls, tarmac and various man-made structures. 

Two forms are recognised, flavovirella and vitellina, with the latter being the type species. Although Candelariella vitellina forma flavovirella is not separately described by the BLS, there are references on line that confirm the bright, almost florescent, green-yellow colour. Also, the fact that in this morph the apothecia are initially lemon-yellow, becoming brighter, before turning pale brownish. The form is said to prefer nutrient-rich habitats.

Candelariella vitellina

Moors Valley CP, Ashley Heath, East Dorset

(found growing on a large old weathered gate post) 

Candelariella vitellina

Moors Valley CP, Ashley Heath, East Dorset

(close-up shot of the same specimen)

Candelariella vitellina
Candelariella vitellina
Candelariella vitellina
Candelariella vitellina
Candelariella vitellina
Candelariella vitellina
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