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Orchesella villosa


As previously noted, the Entomobryidae family are known as the 'slender springtails', and are characterised by having an enlarged fourth abdominal segment and a well-developed furcula.

The Orchesellinae subfamily includes seven species in two genera, Heteromurus and Orchesella. Three of these species, Heteromurus niridis, Orchesella cincta and Orchesella villosa, are regarded as common and indeed I can probably vouch to that, as I have found all three in the garden.

Orchesella villosa is one of Britain's largest springtails with some individuals exceeding 5mm in length. It is particularly common and widespread across southern and central counties, but appears to be scarce further north. The pigmentation on the body is variable and random, and it is possible that villosa actually consists of more than one species. In fact, although distinctively marked, Orchesella quingefasciata may just be a colour variation of the species. The basal segments of the antenna are usually dark, however the ‘hairs’ are often rubbed off. The body has numerous short and long setae.

Updated, Dec.23 (v.2)


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | April 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Spearywell Wood, Nr.Romsey, Hampshire | Jan.23


Slop Bog, Ferndown, East Dorset | Feb.23

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