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Dicyrtomina saundersi

COLLEMBOLA > SYMPHYPLEONA > Dicyrtomidae > Dicyrtominae

This particular 'species account' should ideally be read in conjunction with the previous account for Dicyrtomina ornata.

Despite being only 2-3mm in size, Dicyrtomina saundersi is one of the most widely observed springtail species in Britain; photos of which are often used to support articles on Collembola due to their features and the fact that they appear to be smiling when seen face-on. Apart from the shape of the markings, Dicyrtomina saundersi is, to all intents and purposes, identical in appearance and morphological characters to Dicyrtomina ornata. They are both a pale greeny-yellow ground colour with maroon markings, but whereas Dicyrtomina ornata has a solid patch of the dark pigment at the posterior end of the abdomen, Dicyrtomina saundersi is distinctively multi-barred. It also has a definite colour change at the joint of the second and third antennal segments.

Updated, Dec.23 (v.3)


Barrow Moor, New Forest, Hampshire | Jan.23


Horton Wood (Queen's Copse), East Dorset | Nov.22


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | March 21


Kitt's Grave (woodland area), Hampshire | Jan.23


South Oakley Inclosure, Nr.Burley, New Forest, Hampshire | Feb.23


Horton Wood (Queen's Copse), East Dorset | Nov.22


Barrow Moor, New Forest, Hampshire | Jan.23

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