Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Taking a close look at insects and other small species that can be found in and around East Dorset and the New Forest ...
Tenthredo scrophulariae
Figwort Sawfly
HYMENOPTERA > SYMPHYTA > Tenthredinidae > Tenthredininae > Tenthredinini
An effective, large (11-15mm body length) wasp-mimic Tenthredo species with black and yellow bands on abdomen segments S4 - S8. The antennae are completely reddish-yellow, which clearly separates them from other related species. The costa, subcosta and stigma of the wings is a similar colour, with the membranes yellowish but with a darker patch at the front of the forewing between the stigma and wing tip. The femora are black, whilst the tibia and tarsi are conspicuously yellow/orange.
Tenthredo scrophulariae is a common and widespread sawfly species that can be found over much of the country, but scarce in Scotland. Whilst the adults can be seen from June to August, they don’t regularly visit flowers as it is believed that they prefer to hunt other insects rather than feeding on nectar. They are associated with areas, such as meadows, woodland rides, marshes, hedges and unmown roadside verges where Common or Water Figworts are growing.
Cashmoor Down, East Dorset | July 21
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | July 22
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | July 22
Cashmoor Down, East Dorset | July 21
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | July 22
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | July 22