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Although moths totally dominate the Lepidoptera with around 2,500 species compared with just 57 native species of butterfly, they are not taxonomically separated in the same way. Whereas the butterfly families are all conveniently grouped together within their own superfamily Papilionoidea, moths are placed into a multitude of superfamilies and families with no single higher taxon. This has led, in part, to an informal division where the large moths are separated from the generally smaller and more primitive species commonly known as 'micro-moths'. Classification varies but, as far as I can deduce, there are over 1600 species of 'micro-moth' in 48 or so families, and close on 900 species of larger 'macro-moth' in 19 families. Whilst the vast majority are nocturnal, quite a few are day-flying moths and, although they're certainly not as conspicuous as butterflies, there are a number of species that can be encountered during the day. 


My interest is primarily with the daytime species simply because I like watching and photographing insects in their natural habitat. That's not to say that I'd ignore taking a 'record shot' of a night-flying moth that has settled on the side of the house or a window and is still there in the morning, as there are certainly a couple of those featured below. In most cases they're pretty evident from the unnatural setting. However, a further, and not so obvious, situation occurs when a night-flying moth has been attracted to light and is then photographed the following morning when released. Although, at the time of writing, it's only been used a couple of times, I do own a moth-trap that was purchased to see what species we get in the garden, but rather than trying to identify an individual in situ I prefer to take a photo. Sometimes they fly, but very often they can be carefully placed on a plant and although an expert would know that it was a staged shot, I prefer to disclose the fact.     


Moths in general are supported by some excellent field guides as well as couple of equally good online resources and, for the more casual observer like myself, there's even a book solely for the day-flying species. Although there's no clear-cut definition, it does identify 133 species of 'macro-moth' that are known daytime flyers. Some of these species, such as the Burnets, behave in much the same way as butterflies, whilst others will readily fly if disturbed. There are also quite a number of 'micro-moths' that can be found during the day. The book helps to break the numbers down and provides some focus and understanding regarding the species that are likely to be seen. I think it's useful to separate these known daytime flying moths from the nocturnal species that may occasionally be seen, hence the (DF) indicator after the scientific name.


Talking about names, it's interesting to note that moths are regularly referred to by a given common name exactly the same way that butterflies are. Many frequently encountered insects have common names, but it's only the Lepidoptera where all species have such a name. I've used the common name as the primary identifier followed by the recognised checklist number as explained in the butterfly introductory write-up. 


Whilst the following list is in taxonomic and checklist order, I've kept it as compact as possible by omitting the higher superfamily, and lower subfamily and/or tribe, rankings that are fully referenced on the accompanying linked species accounts. The best field guides for most people use photos for identification so there's no point trying to describe species on the individual accounts, but there is merit in listing important information such as their distribution status, preferred habitat, larval foodplants and flight behaviour and seasons in a compact and consistent form, as it provides a useful reference even though I've barely scratched the surface in respect of the species that may be found.


Micropterigidae (Mandibulate Archaic Moths)

Marsh Marigold Moth

Marsh Marigold Moth (1.005)

Micropterix calthella


Adelidae (Longhorn Moths)

Yellow-barred Longhorn

Yellow-barred Longhorn (7.001)

Nemophora degeerella  (DF)

Green Longhorn

Green Longhorn (7.006)

Adela reaumurella  (DF)

Meadow Longhorn

Meadow Longhorn (7.010)

Cauchas rufimitrella  (DF)


Oecophoridae (Concealer Moths)

Sulphur Tubic

Sulphur Tubic (28.019)

Esperia sulphurella

Common Tubic

Common Tubic (28.022)

Alabonia geoffrella


Depressariidae (Flat-bodied Moths)

Common Flat-body

Common Flat-body (32.018)

Agonopterix heracliana


Gelechiidae (Twirler Moths)

Heather Neb

Heather Neb (35.050)

Aristotelia ericinella


Coleophoridae (Case-bearer Moths)

Grey Alder Case-bearer

Grey Alder Case-bearer (37.030)

Coleophora binderella


Alucitidae (Many-plumed Moths)

Twenty-plume Moth

Twenty-plume Moth (44.001)

Alucita hexadactyla  (MT)


Pterophoridae (Plume Moths)

White Plume

White Plume (45.030)

Pterophorus pentadactyla  (DF)

Common Plume

Common Plume (45.044)

Emmelina monodactyla  (DF)


Choreutidae (Metalmark Moths)

Common Nettle-tap

Common Nettle-tap (48.001)

Anthophila fabriciana  (DF)


Tortricidae (Tortrix Moths)

Brindled Tortrix

Brindled Tortrix (49.022)

Ptycholoma lecheana

Common Marble

Common Marble (49.166)

Celypha lacunana

Lichen Button

Lichen Button(49.087)

Acleris literana

Black-edged Marble

Black-edged Marble (49.191)

Endothenia nigricostana

Rush Marble

Rush Marble (49.194)

Bactra lancealana

Buckthorn Roller

Buckthorn Roller (49.210)

Ancylis unculana

Dingy Drill

Dingy Drill (49.310)

Dichrorampha sedatana

Grey Gorse Piercer

Grey Gorse Piercer (49.325)

Cydia ulicetana

Common Drill

Common Drill (49.321)

Dichrorampha petiverella

Red Piercer

Red Piercer (49.345)

Lathronympha strigana

Orange-spot Piercer

Orange-spot Piercer (49.379)

Pammene aurana


Zygaenidae (Forester and Burnet Moths)

Six-spot Burnet

Six-spot Burnet (54.008)

Zygaena filipendulae  (DF)

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet

Zygaena lonicerae  (DF)

Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet (54.009)

Five-spot Burnet

Five-spot Burnet (54.010)

Zygaena trifolii  (DF)


Crambidae (Crambid Snout Moths)

Mint Moth

Mint Moth (63.006)

Pyrausta aurata  (DF)

Small Magpie

Small Magpie (63.025)

Anania hortulata

Rush Veneer

Rush Veneer (63.052)

Nomophila noctuella

Common Grass Veneer

Common Grass Veneer (63.089)

Agriphila tristella  (DF)

Thatch Pearl

Thatch Pearl (63.026)

Sclerocona acutellus

Box-tree Moth

Box-tree Moth (63.054)

Cydalima perspectalis  (DF)

Meadow Grey

Meadow Grey (63.066)

Scoparia pyralella


Sphingidae (Sphinx or Hawk Moths)

Poplar Hawk-moth

Poplar Hawk-moth (69.003)

Laothoe populi  (MT)

Pine Hawk Moth

Pine Hawk-moth (69.007)

Sphinx pinastri (very worn)

Hummingbird Hawk-moth

Hummingbird Hawk-moth (69.010)

Macroglossum stellatarum  (DF)


Geometridae (Geometrids)

Riband Wave

Riband Wave (70.016)

Idaea aversata (f.remutata)

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Twin-spot Carpet (70.051)

Xanthorhoe spadicearia  (DF)

Winter Moth

Winter Moth (70.106)

Operophtera brumata


Treble-bar (70.192)

Apolocera plagiata (DF)

Common Heath

Common Heath (70.275)

Ematurga atomaria  (DF)

Yellow Shell

Yellow Shell (70.059)

Camptogramma bilineata  (DF)

Common Carpet

Common Carpet (70.061)

Epirrhoe alternata  (DF)

Ochreous Pug

Ochreous Pug (70.171)

Eupithecia indigata  (MT)

Peppered Moth

Peppered Moth (70.252)

Biston betularia

Mottled Umber

Mottled Umber (70.256)

Erannis defoliaria

Light Emerald

Light Emerald (70.283)

Campaea margaritaria


Notodontidae (Prominents)

Pebble Prominent

Pebble Prominent (71.013)

Notodonta ziczac  (MT)

Great Prominent

Great Prominent (71.016)

Peridea anceps  (MT)


Erebidae (Snouts, Marbleds, Tussocks, Tigers, Footman ....)

The Herald

Herald (72.001)

Scoliopteryx libatrix

Black Arches

Black Arches (72.010)

Lymantria monacha

Scarlet Tiger

Scarlet Tiger (72.029)

Callimorpha dominula  (DF)

Common Footman

Common Footman (72.045)

Eilema lurideola

Straw Dot

Straw Dot (72.002)

Rivula sericealis


Snout (72.003)

Hypena proboscidalis

Pale Tussock

Pale Tussock (72.015)

Calliteara pudibunda

Jersey Tiger

Jersey Tiger (72.030)

Euplagia quadripunctaria


Cinnabar (72.031)

Tyria jacobaeae  (DF)

Orange Footman

Orange Footman (72.049)

Eilema sororcula  (MT)

Mother Shipton

Mother Shipton (72.084)

Euclidia mi  (DF)


Noctuidae (Noctuids)

Silver Y

Silver Y (73.015)

Autographa gamma  (DF)

Treble Lines

Treble Lines (73.101)

Charanyca trigrammica  (MT)

Common Quaker

Common Quaker (73.244)

Orthosia cerasi  (MT)

Heart and Dart

Heart and Dart (73.317)

Agrotis exclamationis  (MT)

Poplar Grey

Poplar Grey (73.046)

Subacronicta megacephala  (MT)

Flounced Rustic

Flounced Rustic (73.131)

Luperina testacea

Beautiful Yellow Underwing

Beautiful Yellow Underwing (73.257)

Anarta myrtilli  (DF)

Flame Shoulder

Flame Shoulder (73.329)

Ochropleura plecta  (MT)

Original list created Jan.22 | updated Jan.24 (v.3)

Common Wainscot

Common Wainscot (73.291)

Mythimna pallens

Setaceous Hebrew Character

Setaceous Hebrew Character (73.359)

Xestia c-nigrum  (MT)

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