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Six-spot Burnet

Zygaena filipendulae

LEPIDOPTERA | Zygaenoidea

Zygaenidae (Forester and Burnet Moths) > Zygaeninae

Checklist ref. 54.008

Designation: 'macro-moth'

Status: common and well distributed across much of the country

Typical habitat: flower-rich grasslands and meadows, woodland rides

Larval foodplant:           on Common or Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil

Flight behaviour: frequent and conspicuous day-flying species on warm, sunny days

Flight season: June - August

Note: listed as a recognised day-flying (DF) species

Six-spot Burnet

Durlston CP, Swanage, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset | June 21

Six-spot Burnet

Durlston CP, Swanage, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset | June 21

Six-spot Burnet

Six-spot Burnet

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