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Cladonia macilenta


Genus Cladonia, meaning 'branch or twig-like'


Common name:            Lipstick Powderhorn

Synonym:                    Cladonia bacillaris   

Habitat:                          Montane (for this entry)

Substrata:                      Soil, humus and lignum

Growth forms:              Terricolous, lignicolous                    

Basal thallus:                  Squamulose, usually disappearing

Secondary thallus:        Podetia, lacking cups

Apothecia:                    Lecideine, red fruits

BLS identity rating:        Graded 2/5 (visual identification relatively easy with care)


Basal squamules small, incised, often forming a dense mat, which may not persist; pale grey or bluish grey-green above, lower surface usually orange-brown towards the base; sometimes sparingly sorediate below.

Podetia slim, to around 3cm tall; pointed, without scyphi, usually simple, although can be sparingly branched at times near the apices; often twisted or curved, or somewhat decumbent; pale grey-blue to grey-greenish; normally entirely farinose although, at times, partially decorticate or, more rarely, bearing squamules, particularly towards the base. 

Apothecia and pycnidia, small, usually frequent, bright red, single or clustered, at tips of podetia.

In Austria, Cladonia macilenta is regarded as a cool-temperate to boreal-montane species, which is most likely to be found growing on rotting wood or on bark at the base of trees, more rarely on soil rich in humous.

Cladonia macilenta

Horseshoe Lake, Fließ, North Tyrol, Western Austria

(lakeside coniferous woodland at an altitude of 1560m)

Cladonia macilenta

Horseshoe Lake, Fließ, North Tyrol, Western Austria

(lakeside coniferous woodland at an altitude of 1560m)

Cladonia macilenta
Cladonia macilenta
Cladonia macilenta
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