Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
DIPLOPODA (millipedes) > JULIDA (cylindrical or snake millipedes) > Julidae
Ommatoiulus sabulosus is a fairly large, up to 30mm, distinctive millipede, which can be slightly variable in colour from mid to very dark brown, with two conspicuous yellow to orange stripes running the full length of the body. Occasionally these stripes may be broken so that they look more like a series of orange blotches. The only possible confusion would be with immature Tachypodoiulus niger that can have a similar striped appearance. The telson has a projecting upturned pointed tip.
Although regarded as a generally common and widespread species across much of the country, there are surprisingly very few records from southern counties. When I checked at the time of writing this, there were only three from Hampshire and the same number from Dorset. I'm not sure why this is, but it again illustrates the need to record species even if you think that they're common. I was also surprised to note that analysis of the recording scheme data shows a strong association with coastal sites with sand dunes and where there are sandy heathlands, so I'm not quite sure how I've found the species in my garden! It will be interesting to see if any pattern emerges with these sightings or if I can find the species locally whilst on my various searches.
For reference, the individual in the fourth photo is alongside an immature Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus.
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Sept.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | Oct.22