Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
DIPLOPODA (millipedes) > JULIDA (cylindrical or snake millipedes) > Julidae
Cylindroiulus punctatus is a small to medium-sized, 14-27mm, pale pinkish-brown coloured millipede with a prominent clubbed telson. The term 'clubbed' in this context is used to describe a projecting telson with a thickened rounded tip rather than a pointed tip as found on Julus scandinavius and Tachypodoiulus niger, not that I'm suggesting that either of those two species could be confused with Cylindroiulus punctatus. The only other species with a club-shaped telson is the previously described Cylindroiulus londinensis, which is a much larger and more robust, dark-coloured species.
It is considered to be the most common and widespread millipede species in Britain, occurring in varied habitats, but with strong associations with leaf-litter and deadwood. In typical woodland settings where it is found under bark there is a very good chance that it will be in the company of Proterioulus fuscus and Nemasoma varicorne. In these environments the animals will move from leaf-litter onto decaying wood in the spring and then return to the ground as temperatures start to drop, ultimately burrowing into the soil if conditions are sufficiently cold. Away from woodland, Cylindroiulus punctatus may be found in rural or semi-rural habitats rather than synanthropic sites, but is very unlikely to be encountered on open grasslands or sand dunes where it appears to have very negative relationships.
As a point of interest, the individuals in the fourth photo are sharing whatever they're grazing on with tiny red flat bark beetles [Silvanus bidentatus].Â
The last couple of photos below are obviously of the same individual but, as there's no sense of scale, I thought it would be useful to include a shot showing just how small they are. In fact, this specimen was probably not much short of the maximum size for Cylindroiulus punctatus, yet was only around 4mm across when coiled-up and, consequently, easy to miss.
Bolderwood Grounds, New Forest | Oct.22
Bolderwood Grounds, New Forest | Oct.22
Barrow Moor, New Forest | Oct.22
Barrow Moor, New Forest | Oct.22
Barrow Moor, New Forest | Oct.22
Barrow Moor, New Forest | Oct.22
South Oakley Inclosure, New Forest | Oct.22
South Oakley Inclosure, New Forest | Oct.22