Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
Pseudoplatylabus violentus
HYMENOPTERA > APOCRITA | Parasitica > Ichneumonidae > Ichneumoninae > Joppocryptini
Although it hasn't been formally accepted and, in reality, probably won't be from a photo, this particular individual could well be the first recorded female of the species in Britain. The only other record, at the time of writing, was a male found in Lancashire in July 2021. Initially it couldn't be identified as neither the species, or indeed the genus, were on the British list. However, following subsequent research and further examination of the specimen by two of the country’s foremost Ichneumonid experts, it was accepted.
Fortunately, when I placed this photo on the British Ichneumonoidea FB Group for help with its identity, it was recognised as a likely candidate for Pseudoplaylabus violentus. That led to another expert agreeing and referring it to the Invertebrate Project Manager of the Lancashire Wildlife Trust who was responsible for getting the species recognised and for writing an associated paper. He looked carefully at the photo and from the visible features agreed that it certainly looked like a good fit.
The species now has a fully detailed description that I won't repeat here and will, I believe, be included within an 'Ichneumon Wasp Field Guide' which is being planned and that will hopefully include this photo.
Pseudoplatylabus violentus has been recorded in Europe from countries including Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium and Germany but, as previously noted, never from Britain. Whilst the biology of the species is unknown, related literature cite a single host association - the Silver-washed Fritillary [Argynnis paphia] and, interestingly, the area in Garston Wood where this individual was photographed is probably one of the best locations I know to find Silver-washed Fritillaries during the summer months.
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | Sept.22