Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
MUSCOMORPHA > ASCHIZA > Syrphoidea > Syrphidae > Syrphinae > Syrphini
I originally intended that this particular collection would bring together three closely related genera, Melangyna, Meligramma and Meliscaeva, until I discovered that a couple of my tentative id's were incorrect! They are all rather similar and I'm hopeful that before too long I'll be able to feature at least one of the Melangyna species, but for now I'm leaving this page solely for Meliscaeva.
There are just two species in this particular genus.
Meliscaeva auricollis is an extremely variable species having both dark and light forms. They are very similar to Melangyna cincta as I discovered, but can be determined by the markings on abdomen segment T2, which have an elliptical base rather than the triangular shape found on Melangyna cincta. Unless you're familiar with the species you need to see photos of the two side by side to appreciate the difference.
Meliscaeva cinctella is not dissimilar, although the markings are quite distinctive. However, there are other small, slim, yellow-banded species that, certainly with my limited experience, could be confused, which is why I prefer to get my identifications confirmed.
Meliscaeva auricollis (male)
Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Aug.20
Meliscaeva auricollis (male)
Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Dec.20
Meliscaeva cinctella (female)
Horton Wood (Queen's Copse), East Dorset | June 22
Meliscaeva auricollis (male)
Horton Wood (Queen's Copse), East Dorset | June 22
Meliscaeva auricollis (male)
Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | July 24
Meliscaeva cinctella (male)
Moors Valley CP, Ashley Heath, East Dorset | July 21