Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
MUSCOMORPHA > ASCHIZA > Syrphoidea > Syrphidae > Eristalinae > Sericomyiini
The Sericomyiini tribe consists of a single genus of three rather splendid species. Sericomyia silentis is a large black-and-yellow hoverfly that is unlikely to be confused with any other species. It is a widespread species that, here in the south, is mainly found on heathland and other acidic habitats. Sericomyia lappona is a species I've yet to see. It is nowhere near as common or widespread as Sericomyia silentis, but it does occur locally and is known for frequenting bogs, so I'm going to be keeping an eye out for it as it's a rather smart looking hoverfly with general colouration and markings that remind me of the Purbeck Mason Wasp. The other species, Sericomyia superbiens is more of a bumblebee mimic rather than a wasp mimic. It has a more western and northern distribution and, consequently, would be a very unlikely species to discover locally in East Dorset.
Sericomyia silentis (female)
Lower Bagmore, Bradninch, South Devon | Sept.21
Sericomyia silentis (male)
Holt Heath, Mannington, East Dorset | Aug.22
Sericomyia silentis (male)
Slop Bog, Ferndown, East Dorset | Aug.21
Sericomyia silentis (male)
Fishlake Meadows, Romsey, Hants. | Aug.24