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Nemastoma bimaculatum

ARACHNIDA > OPILIONES > Nemastomatidae > Nemastomatinae

Nemastoma bimaculatum is a rather small (2-3mm body length), short-legged, uniform dull-black species with a pair of conspicuous creamy-white markings on the cephalothorax. The body is slightly flattened and granular in appearance, and the ocularium is not very pronounced. The combination of the distinctive dark colour, together with the small size, is usually enough to make them readily identifiable in the field. Although the typical colour form includes the pale patches on the dorsum, an uncommon, all-black unicolour variant may also be found.

The species is considered to be extremely common and widespread, and certainly one of the most frequently recorded harvestmen. That said, there has only been one confirmed sighting in Dorset in over ten years according to the NBN Atlas at the time of writing, which is strange.

They may be common but, with their small size and habit of initially remaining motionless when disturbed, they can be very easily missed. This is especially the case during casual searches in leaf-litter or under stones and deadwood in woodland where they're most likely to be found. A far more dedicated approach is needed if you want to study this species in more detail as they really can be difficult to spot when sitting on bare earth or other dark surfaces.  

Nemastoma bimaculatum is a soil-inhabiting species so, when looking for them, you need to be down at ground level. They tend to stay hidden during the day, becoming active at night when they will go in search of food which, for this particular species, will be small invertebrates as they are not known to feed on plant material or fungi.

Adults can be found right through the year, but with records indicating a peak in activity during September. Juveniles are more likely to be seen during the warmer summer months and early autumn.


Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22


Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | Sept.22


Horton Wood (Queens Copse), East Dorset | Feb.23




Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22


Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22


South Oakley Inclosure, Nr.Burley, New Forest | Feb.23



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