Small World Discoveries
by Tony Enticknap - tickspics
Focusing on insects, arachnids and other small nature subjects from East Dorset and the New Forest ...
CHILOPODA (centipedes) > LITHOBIOMORPHA (stone centipedes) > Lithobiidae
Lithobius variegatus can be readily identified by its purple marbled body and banded posterior legs. It can grow to nearly the same size as Lithobius forficatus, but typically averages around 25mm. Its antennae have 35-46 articles and are proportionally longer at around half the body length. Lithobius variegatus is by far the most common centipede that I'm finding locally, particularly in woodland habitats. It's also the easiest to photograph as it has a tendency to initially remain motionless when disturbed rather than immediately running for cover as most of the other species have a habit of doing. It doesn't stay for long, but usually long enough for a couple of photos.
For reference, the individual photographed here within the New Forest's South Oakley Inclosure near Burley is apparently laying an egg. That seemed strange to me in October, so I asked for confirmation as I understood that eggs were laid at the start rather than the end of the season. Unfortunately, I didn't get any further feedback other than confirmation. The final two photos are of an individual that barely measured 10mm long. It did however have the full quota of 15 pairs of legs so was an immature, post-larval stadia. Fortunately, even at this stage of development, the general appearance and banded rear legs confirmed the species.
For reference, note the forcipules (jaws) that can be clearly seen in the close-up photo taken in the garden back in March 21, as they are noticeably larger in this particular species than any of the other Lithobids.
South Oakley Inclosure, Nr.Burley, New Forest | Dec.23
Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22
South Oakley Inclosure, Nr.Burley, New Forest | Oct.22
South Oakley Inclosure, Nr.Burley, New Forest | Oct.22
Garston Wood, Cranborne Chase, East Dorset | Feb.22
Three Legged Cross (semi-rural garden), East Dorset | March 21
Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22
Kitt's Grave (woodland), Hampshire | Oct.22