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Stag beetles


An iconic family that includes Europe's largest beetle, Lucanus cervus, but sadly only represented in Britain by three species being the aforementioned Stag Beetle, its smaller relative the Lesser Stag Beetle and the Rhinoceros Beetle, which seems to be rare in my local area.

Strictly speaking there's a fourth species, Platycerus caraboides, known as the Blue Stag Beetle but, from what I can see, there has only been one confirmed sighting in Wales back in the 1980's.

Dorcus parallelipipedus (Lesser Stag Beetle)

The most frequently encountered stag beetle species across central and southern Britain, but somewhat scarcer in parts of the West Country and rarely recorded in the north. They superficially resemble small Lucanus cervus females, but are noticeably duller with a more coal-black colouration, and never with any hint of brown on the elytra.

Lucanus cervus (Stag Beetle)

Although it was once regarded as a reasonably common species in many southern areas, our largest beetle is now sadly suffering a decline and, as such, is currently regarded as nationally scarce. The males are particularly impressive with their huge antler-like mandibles and large size, which can reach as much as 80mm in healthy, fully mature individuals. They have a black head and thorax, but the 'jaws' and elytra are a beautiful reddish-brown colour with an almost polished overall appearance. Females are somewhat smaller, rarely exceeding 45-50mm, which is still 15-20mm larger than a good-sized Dorcus parallelipipedus. Also, when you compare the two species, Lucanus cervus has a narrower, less box-shaped head and, of course, is far shinier.

Both species are strongly associated with decaying wood in both deciduous and coniferous woodland areas, but can also turn up in gardens, which is where all my photos were taken. The final photo actually shows one on the side wall of our bungalow picked out by the car headlights as we returned home on night.

Created, Jan.22 (v.1)

Lesser Stag Beetle [Dorcus parallelipipedus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Sept.20

Stag Beetle [Lucanus cervus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Aug.21

Stag Beetle [Lucanus cervus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | June 21

Stag Beetle [Lucanus cervus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | June 21

Lesser Stag Beetle [Dorcus parallelipipedus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Sept.20

Stag Beetle [Lucanus cervus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | Aug.21

Stag Beetle [Lucanus cervus]

Three Legged Cross (garden), East Dorset | June 21

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